Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
How shall we render?
Thankfully, the Christian tradition is filled with models of resistance to unjust leaders.
Conspiracies of goodness
When I fear a dystopian future, I hold on to stories of everyday resistance.
Naps against capitalism
How can rest be a political act? Poet-theologian Tricia Hersey returns to this question often.
Episode 33: Poet and public speaker Kaitlin Curtice, author of Living Resistance
A conversation with poet and public speaker Kaitlin Curtice about embracing cyclical thinking, deconstructing faith, Mother Earth, and more
Resisting as a way of life
For Kaitlin Curtice, resistance is no mere buzzword—it’s a mighty calling.
Hungary’s progressive Christian resistance
Viktor Orbán has tried to buy the loyalty of the churches, but not everyone is selling.
Back to basics with a Dutch Nazi resistor
K. H. Miskotte wrote a Karl Barth for Dummies in 1941. It offers a bracing challenge today.
Aurelia Dávila Pratt’s paths to healing
Her powerful debut resonates deeply with my lifelong labor to honor my name and my voice.
For Simone Weil, philosophy was not merely academic
Robert Zaretsky offers a vivid picture of how truth telling made Weil’s life complicated.
When radical Latino activists occupied churches
Felipe Hinojosa profiles resistance movements from the late 1960s and early 1970s, when religion and politics were inextricably linked.
What if we treated all of creation—plants and stars, soil and rivers—as our kin?
Biblical scholar Mari Joerstad and indigenous activist Nick Estes challenge our human-centered worldview.
A church is fighting back against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
And it has some prominent allies.
Do Christians owe special respect to state authority?
Government enjoys no special immunity from moral judgment, argues Jason Brennan.
Recipes from long ago
Old handwritten recipes conjure up all kinds of memories.
The New Testament’s christological hymns are songs of resistance
They use the conventions of Jewish resistance poetry to challenge Roman occupation.
by Zen Hess
The Christian act of dissent
A riveting history of religious dissenters, from William Blake to Clarence Jordan
The church's holy, subversive possessions
Ben Dueholm offers a humble apologetics—of faithful actions, not beliefs.
by Tim Brown
Learning costly resistance from Bonhoeffer
Cheap resistance is like cheap grace. It risks very little.