Authors /
Charles Scriven
Charles Scriven is author of The Transformation of Culture: Christian Social Ethics after H. Richard Niebuhr (Herald Press).
Elie Wiesel’s defiant faith
Journalist Joseph Berger documents the writer’s work, his activism, and the belief in God that he never fully renounced.
Can patriotism be redeemed?
Theologian Richard Mouw calls for a God-chastened love of country.
For Simone Weil, philosophy was not merely academic
Robert Zaretsky offers a vivid picture of how truth telling made Weil’s life complicated.
Tutu the mystic
Michael Battle’s biography focuses on the archbishop’s religious moorings.
Rescuing patriotism from nationalism
Constitutional patriotism, Steven Smith argues, is both ethical and necessary.
Eddie Glaude revisits James Baldwin’s America
Begin Again’s call to repentance is, like Baldwin’s own language, substantially Christian.
Karl Barth’s gift to the church
Kimlyn Bender has produced a reading guide to assist nonspecialists.
What greed looks like
The roots of our desire for money, pleasure, and power reach back to the Enlightenment.
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We Make the Road by Walking, by Brian D. McLaren
Academics may find no theological breakthrough in Brian McLaren's latest book, but the ones who care about church life may still do a double take.

Led into Mystery, by John W. de Gruchy
The story of John de Gruchy’s grief for his eldest son is wrenching. Yet he also wants to offer an account of Christian hope that has both biblical and scientific integrity.

Playing God, by Andy Crouch
Power is a gift, a means of peacemaking, a God-sanctioned key to human flourishing. This is the striking claim advanced in Andy Crouch's engaging new book.