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David P. Gushee
David P. Gushee teaches Christian ethics at Mercer University in Georgia and Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. His latest book is Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies.
The forgotten victims of Nazi genocide
Jewish historian Ari Joskowicz tells the story of Hitler’s attempt to wipe out the Roma people.
Jerry Falwell’s toxic legacy
Keri Ladner digs into the Moral Majority founder’s archives to show how his fantastical interpretations of world politics seeded the ground for QAnon.
Understanding the ideology of guns
Sociologist Jennifer Carlson interviewed 50 gun sellers to find out why so many Americans flock toward firearms.
Jedediah Purdy’s democratic vision
This formidable yet accessible book should be homework for every thoughtful American.
Can the religious left be as effective in Washington as it’s been on the streets?
Jack Jenkins’s book is informative and persuasive, if not exactly unbiased.
What’s behind dehumanization?
A book about the psychology and politics of doing terrible things to one another
How did American racism get to this point?
Joel Goza explores America’s addiction to racism and racialized poverty.
Ethical hacks for managing our adolescent technologies
Kate Ott looks at the moral implications of digital language.
Do Christians owe special respect to state authority?
Government enjoys no special immunity from moral judgment, argues Jason Brennan.
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A book about ethics—and nearly everything else
John Stackhouse's real-world ethics primer covers just about every subject, but it leaves out an important one.
Why the Christian right still supports Trump
As a witness to evangelical political engagement since the birth of the Christian right in the late 1970s, nothing surprises me anymore.
Will God save us from Donald Trump?
After the simmering verbal and physical violence at Donald Trump’s rallies, I have a question for you:
Will God save us from Donald Trump?
Donald Trump and the politics of white male anger
Donald Trump’s ongoing narrative about political correctness being “the big problem” in this country may help explain his surprising climb in this week’s presidential polls.
About face
In this week’s epistle reading, Paul demonstrates that mix of humility and pride that so definitively marks off his writing from any other voice in the Bible....
Forgiveness, with music and dancing: Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:11b-32
In my (southern) Baptist tradition, preachers don’t generally use the lectionary....