Practicing Liberation

Whose blog? Which practicality?

Thanks for supporting my writing! Hope you like the new view.

Welcome to my new blog! First off, a huge thanks to the Christian Century for hosting me. This publication—which has existed since 1884—has featured towering figures like Jane Addams, Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Luther King Jr., and has recently hosted great bloggers such as Carol Howard Merritt and Drew Hart. I’m honored to be connected to the Christian Century’s tradition of solid public intellectual work and thoughtful/critical/ecumenical expression of faith. I’m also excited to make fresh contributions. 

Some of you may be wondering, but who is Daniel José Camacho??? Well, I’m currently an M.Div. student at Duke finishing up my last year. Faith-wise: I was raised in an immigrant Latin@ church, turned conservative Calvinist in my teens, and I’m now a Presbyterian inspired by social gospel, decoloniality, and liberation theologies. I’m a 2nd generation Afro-Latino from New York born to Colombian parents. Politically, I identify as a leftist. I’ve written some stuff. I love Star Wars, Ana Tijoux, and pupusa church fundraisers. For something more formal, check out my bio. Naturally, many of my posts will be textured by my background and experiences. 

To those of you who already know me and have previously supported my writing, thank you! Hope you like the new view. (And shout out to Stacy Guinto-Salinas for the beautiful header image on this blog.)

The title? Ah, yes. “Practicing Liberation” points to the vision I have for this space as well as gives a salute to my influences. I think the goal should be for everyone to get free. To believe in the kingdom of God that Jesus talks about is to believe that another world is possible and to work to bring it about in our personal lives, communities, and world. Faith is inextricably tied to concrete practice. As Michelle Alexander has recently highlighted, there’s no fundamental division between theological or spiritual questions and larger questions of justice and politics. Therefore, I want to be able to talk about struggles for justice in the world, personal journeys towards liberation, and questions of faith together because these are all related. 

The content on this blog will be wide-ranging. Some posts might delve into my life or highlight some books I really like or focus on some current political events. Something important to me: I’m hoping to feature other voices on this platform. Theology is a communal enterprise and we need to be hearing many voices, including ones that have not always been heard. I also hope to hear from YOU! Please comment (respectfully) and extend the conversation. The best way to stay connected is by subscribing to my newsletter which will alert you when new posts go up. 

Thank you in advance for joining me on this ride now known as the “Practicing Liberation” blog! 

Daniel José Camacho

Daniel José Camacho is a contributing opinion writer at the Guardian U.S.

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