27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B, RCL)
63 results found.
Fuller inclusion (Mark 10:2-16)
Jesus’ blessing of the children and re-centering them in the midst of the community serves as a sort of Pride parable.
Against killing children
We have become a society of people who cannot prevent our own children from being killed in their classrooms—and who do not much mind the killing of other people’s children by weapons of war.
October 6, Ordinary 27B (Job 1:1, 2:1–10)
The primary biblical text that addresses human suffering is a comedic folktale. How are we meant to process this?
Falling into metaphor
I heard a variation on the Eden story that offers a new look at Eve.
Creation in context (Psalm 8)
In Psalm 8, humankind is crowned in glory and honor, loved and valued.
by Ron Ruthruff
June 4, Trinity A (Genesis 1:1–2:4a; Psalm 8)
Trusting in God’s transcendence means acknowledging God’s otherness.
Faith comes by hand
Throughout scripture, human bodies are not an obstacle to righteousness; they are its location.
The book of Job is a parody
Sometimes I picture its author looking down at us and shaking his head.
Job scrapes for answers (Job 1:1, 2:1-10)
It is as if every person who asks why bad things happen to good people takes a potsherd and starts scraping.
The New Testament’s most dangerous book for Jews
Reading and preaching Hebrews without supersessionism
October 3, Ordinary 27B (Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12)
Israel’s claim that all people are created in God’s image is strikingly egalitarian.
June 7, Trinity Sunday (Genesis 1:1–2:4a; Psalm 8; Matthew 28:16–20)
When we read scripture backward
by Greg Carey
Godly Play and the language of Christian faith
At the heart of each lesson is storytelling and wondering.
On grief, and not theologizing about it
My son’s death did not evoke in me an interest in the problem of suffering.
Two new (very different) Old Testament translations
Is it man or humanity? Ark or chest?
Jesus’ siblings (Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Genesis 2:18-24; Psalm 8; Mark 10:2-16)
Our behavior doesn’t change the claim Jesus makes on us.