Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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610 results found.
A dustpan, a desert, and a search for moral order
My theological education began at Deep Springs College, a two-year work school in California.
Sometimes ministry functions like a group project at school.
Sometimes ministry functions like a group project at school.
January 6, Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12)
You rarely see a children’s pageant based on Matthew’s story of escape from a raging despot.
December 22, Advent 4C (Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:46b-55)
Is Matthew so embarrassed by Bethlehem’s lowly status in Micah that he feels the need to punch it up a little?
Maybe the kingdom of God isn’t like a king—maybe it’s like those who resist a king.
Bone chapels and their strange art
In catacombs, crypts, and ossuaries, I’ve seen the ugliness of death transformed into something beautiful.
November 3, Ordinary 31B (Mark 12:28–34)
The scribe’s question to Jesus is not merely an academic exercise.
Bone chapels and their strange art
In catacombs, crypts, and ossuaries, I’ve seen the ugliness of death transformed into something beautiful.
Being salt
When I got into cooking, it changed the way I understand Jesus’ statement, “You are the salt of the earth.”
Against killing children
We have become a society of people who cannot prevent our own children from being killed in their classrooms—and who do not much mind the killing of other people’s children by weapons of war.
Playing to the crowds
J. D. Vance’s lies about Haitian immigrants reveal his willingness
to trade his dignity for attention.
Playing to the crowds
J. D. Vance’s lies about Haitian immigrants reveal his willingness
to trade his dignity for attention.
God cares nothing for our algorithms
Embracing the random can open us up to the agitations of the Holy Spirit.
The roots of Hebrew Roots
A small but growing movement of Christians believes fervently that Torah observance is for everyone.
The all-knowing cloud and the cloud of unknowing
Clouds evoke the sublime. What about the cloud that stores our data and mediates its flow?
A failure of compassion
Outdoor workers need a little water and shade every four hours. Is that too much to ask?
My son the PK said no to baptism
For now, anyway. After our discernment together, I consider this a success.