Spring books: Reviews
Take & read: Spring books
Holy digital: The Bible on iPad
Chaste romance: The lure of Amish fiction
Texts for preaching: Spring books
Human and holy: Texts for preaching
A book’s life: One reader to another
Sarah Osborn’s World, by Catherine A. Brekus
Carry On, Warrior and The Girl Got Up
The Lion’s World, by Rowan Williams
God’s Hotel, by Victoria Sweet
The Fall of the House of Dixie, by Bruce Levine
My Beloved World, by Sonia Sotomayor
The Myth of Persecution, by Candida Moss
The Sacredness of Human Life, by David P. Gushee
Should We Live Forever? by Gilbert Meilaender
Going Clear, by Lawrence Wright

Human and holy: Texts for preaching
At this point in my preaching journey, I find myself drawing on or being informed by the writings of theologian Howard Thurman, novelist Toni Morrison and poet Langston Hughes, as well as the musical literature known as the spirituals.

Seasoned with poetry: Texts for preaching
One night recently I was reading to my children a book about songbirds. There we discovered one of the most beautiful things in the world: a brood patch.

Preaching the news: Texts for preaching
In addition to the biblical text, the most important material for me tends to come from our context and from what I discern in the lives, community and world around us.
Old Testament

Conversations that inspire: Texts for preaching
Life is a sermon. Whenever I grab my pen and legal pad, I view myself as a chronicler of the beauty, tragedy, humor, anxiety and ultimate hope that characterize the Christian life. There is a wide range of regular sources for inspiration and example.

Books that linger: Texts for preaching
For the first year or two of my preaching life, I lived in a constant state of low-grade panic. Those Sunday morning deadlines were inflexible and unrelenting.

Light reading in the pulpit: Texts for preaching
I read theology to understand myself and be reminded that I cannot ever hope to understand God. I get my deep meaning from reading dead Germans. Most everything else is entertainment. But it all affects my preaching.

Astonished again: Texts for preaching
Putting together words that can break through the sea—sometimes the cesspool—of words in which we live seems a Sisyphean task. I look for help wherever I can get it, so I read.

Wise women: Texts for preaching
When I’m working on a sermon, I like to have wise women nearby. My favorite is the poet Nikki Giovanni, who tells it like it is.