
Ugh, Christian wedding mills

Did you hear about the for-profit wedding chapel owners in Idaho who are claiming a constitutional right (pdf) to refuse services to same-sex couples? From Marci Glass's entertaining post:

I hate to be the one to point this out to the Reverends Knapp, but they are not, in fact, pastors of a church. They own a wedding mill.

In which liberal commentators write strange things about Christians

I don't have much use for the notion that hostility toward religion generally or Christianity in particular pervades American media. Yes, Bill Maher can be kind of horrible, but there's really just the one of him on TV. What is common (if still hardly pervasive) among left-leaning commentators is an attitude toward religion that includes little hatred or vitriol but plenty of puzzlement, ignorance, and mild condescension.

Here's an odd example by science writer Brian Palmer, on medical missionaries in Africa:

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Haïm Korsia's solidarity

In case you missed this last week: Haïm Korsia, the recently elected chief rabbi of France, used the occasion of an event commemmorating Holocaust victims to call for solidarity with religious minorities in the Middle East:

The situation of religious minorities all over the world and especially in the Middle East resonates, unfortunately, with our commemoration today. . . As our parents wore the yellow star, Christians are made to wear the scarlet letter of ‘nun.’