Women posing problems
In the gospels and in the world today, women get in the way and make the world new.
Finding ourselves in a Nigerian war novel
A novel about (not) writing an essay
The strengths and limitations of Saul Alinsky’s approach
Debating the nature of Jesus
In This Issue
Women posing problems
A novel about (not) writing an essay
Finding ourselves in a Nigerian war novel
Can Jesus lose an argument? (Mark 7:24-37)
Women posing problems
Melissa Florer-Bixler
Women posing problems
In the gospels and in the world today, women get in the way and make the world new.
Philip Jenkins
Is religion good for human flourishing?
The Global Flourishing Study is producing a dazzling amount of data to help us answer this sort of question.
Alejandra Oliva
The midsummer of life
The season of tending and waiting can be tedious.
Yolanda Pierce
Small creatures
“There’s a frog in our house!” My daughter and I said the words together, but only one of us was excited.
Julian DeShazier
God cares nothing for our algorithms
Embracing the random can open us up to the agitations of the Holy Spirit.
Isaac S. Villegas
Present together
When I was a chaplain intern working with people with disabilities, there was one man I visited every Sunday right after worship.