Mushrooms at the table?
Signs of Mary Magdalene in John 11
A poet converted by her own writing
My land acknowledgment
The exploding sky
R.M.N. is a kaleidoscopic allegory of all of Western civilization
Soul-altering substances
Yolanda Pierce
Getting lost and being found
I am the wayward child constantly on the go.
Philip Jenkins
The literal drama of church history
Life in the Roman and Byzantine empires was utterly theatrical.
Heidi Neumark
My Pentecostal kin
In my Argentine in-laws’ neighborhoods, there are Protestant churches on every corner. They aren’t mainline.
Isaac S. Villegas
Give to the one who asks of you
I’m on this man’s side, even though I didn’t give him any money. Right?
Alejandra Oliva
The God-haunted music of Julien Baker
There’s a certain horror and heartbreak in God’s grace.
Julian DeShazier
When rituals leave us full—and then empty
Leaving the jailhouse graduation, I wondered, Where have I felt like this before?
A nonviolent war effort
Thomas Ricks analyzes the civil rights movement in military terms.
Impoverished by design
Sociologist Mark Rank shows how the United States systematically produces economic vulnerability.
Why is progressive activism so ineffective?
Fredrik deBoer explains why the mobilization of 2020 produced so few concrete gains.
Religion that harms
Drawing on both research and personal experience, therapist Laura Anderson explores the trauma caused by high-control religion.
Alice McDermott’s tale of American Catholics in Vietnam
What is the kindest, least condescending help that privileged Christians can offer to the wider world?

Fake news at church
Three new books investigate how misinformation shapes evangelicals—and propose better ways to reason together.
A multitude of ways to love the earth
Mallory McDuff’s anthology centers non-White voices and women’s narratives in the climate justice conversation.