The generations of hurt that the Chauvin conviction can’t heal
What kind of justice did Derek Chauvin’s trial achieve?

Annie Dillard’s The Writing Life wasn’t made for times like these
But it has helped me to survive them.
The White Rose movement in graphic novel form
Andrea Ciponte has found an ideal genre for telling the Scholl siblings’ story.
A book on climate change that’s neither preachy nor hopeless
Raised on a farm, scientist Hope Jahren offers clear, concise, and credible explanations.

Is Our Town everybody’s town?
The play’s universal themes rest on a Christian eschatological vision.
Leila Chatti writes intensely physical poems about faith, illness, and sex
The poetic vision of Deluge reconciles Muslim and Christian themes.

Virginia Mollenkott’s Women, Men, and the Bible shaped my life
The lesbian evangelical scholar bravely shared her view of God—in love.
The Death of Vivek Oji shows us what we are afraid of
Akwaeke Emezi’s stunning novel will leave you broken. It will also let the air back into your lungs.
David Tracy and the absolute infinite
Essays spanning four decades offer a fitting entree into the work of a distinguished scholar.

The Martin Buber book I carried around while my marriage failed
Tales of the Hasidim was an unlikely companion.
Liz Tichenor’s life in the wake of her infant’s death
We are called to accompany the bodies we love from birth to death and beyond.
Take & Read: Ethics
Five new books about ethics in today’s world
Take & Read: Theology
Four new books that are shaping theological conversations
The (toxic) masculinity of Martin Luther
Some readers will find Lyndal Roper’s new book unsettling. That might be a good thing.

Shane McCrae reimagines the life of a wounded angel
Poetry that continues the rich literary tradition of angels and offers a new, illuminating perspective
Take & Read: Old Testament
Four new books about biblical texts and their reception
The real Eugene Peterson
Many of my LGBTQ friends and clergy sisters have disavowed Peterson’s writings. Not I.
A Black scholar’s challenge to White evangelicals
Anthea Butler is clear about the disastrous legacy of racism at the heart of White evangelicalism.