Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Simone Weil’s anti-fascist blueprint
Ros Schwartz’s translation of The Need for Roots makes Weil’s masterpiece feel as urgent today as it was in 1943.
The right to life is an essential human right
Its relationship to abortion, however, is complicated.
How fighting for human rights can lead to idolatry
Rights are good, argues theological ethicist Nigel Biggar, but they are not the only good things.
The moral authority of Congolese churches
Amid a chaotic political situation in the DRC, churches are fighting for human rights.
Why human rights and global ethics are inadequate concepts
In a globalized world, Michael Ignatieff argues, grand moral values have failed. What's left is virtue.
by Samuel Wells
Witch hunts around the world
People are being persecuted by anti-witchcraft vigilantes. The church can help.
In America, we cherish the inalienable right to have things our way.
Fran Quigley offers a richly informed study of what ails Haiti and what a few dedicated activist lawyers are doing about it.
reviewed by Tom F. Driver
The essays in this volume provide an accessible and comprehensive introduction to Max Stackhouse's thought, and they raise provocative questions about how we are constructing public theology today.
reviewed by Robin Lovin