Clarissa and her flowers
Reading The Hours in my husband’s hospital room, I was stunned by the novel’s incarnational imagery.
For love of Dante
Piercing the veil
Does Nathan Hill wink at us in Wellness?
A Lincoln parable
In This Issue
October 20, Ordinary 29B (Hebrews 5:1–10)
Being salt
For love of Dante
Episode 43: Educator and podcaster Sharon McMahon, author of The Small and the Mighty
Vegetables that are fearfully and wonderfully made
October 20, Ordinary 29B (Hebrews 5:1–10)
Preaching against the rich (Mark 10:17-31)
Alejandra Oliva
Vegetables that are fearfully and wonderfully made
My friend left me his CSA share for two weeks. It changed the way I look at labor.
Brian Bantum
Being salt
When I got into cooking, it changed the way I understand Jesus’ statement, “You are the salt of the earth.”
Rachel Mann
What does poetry do?
Maybe nothing. Maybe that’s its power.
Isaac S. Villegas
The meaning of a sermon
I’m sure these faithful people have heard all of these words before. So what is my task here?
Samuel Wells
Three responses to church decline
What are we going to do? We have some options.
Jonathan Tran
How I talk to my children about sex
Or rather, how I’d like to.