Unlocking the gates of Genesis through poetry
The religious practice of community organizing
The magic of Amy Leach’s world
Elie Wiesel’s defiant faith
In This Issue
February 16, Epiphany 6C (Luke 6:17–26)
How and what to think
God’s maternal love
Politics close to home
February 16, Epiphany 6C (Luke 6:17–26)
Imagining God’s call (Isaiah 6:1-13; Luke 5:1-11)
Debie Thomas
God’s maternal love
I wonder if what I felt, feared, and learned as a young mother mirrors what God experiences when she tries to feed us.
Brian Bantum
God of breath and gravity
“Who is God?” Today, God is the rising and falling of my chest.
Isaac S. Villegas
Emotional communism
More than ever, we need the common life we can create for each other, a shared life for the benefit of all.
Kelly Brown Douglas
What does it mean to be a Christian in these times?
We have a cross at the center of our faith, and we need to start acting like it.
Rachel Mann
What can the church offer trans people right now?
Baptism and Eucharist should rework all of our ideas about identity.
Samuel Wells
Forerunners like John
Not everyone who makes a difference in the world gets the credit—or seeks it.