Against killing children
We have become a society of people who cannot prevent our own children from being killed in their classrooms—and who do not much mind the killing of other people’s children by weapons of war.
Dear God, you can do better
The prophetic ministry of the pulpit
The forgotten victims of Nazi genocide
Was Paul disabled?
In This Issue
Against killing children
The meaning of a sermon
Dear God, you can do better
Against killing children
Dear God, you can do better
The meaning of a sermon
Isaac S. Villegas
The meaning of a sermon
I’m sure these faithful people have heard all of these words before. So what is my task here?
Samuel Wells
Three responses to church decline
What are we going to do? We have some options.
Jonathan Tran
How I talk to my children about sex
Or rather, how I’d like to.
Debie Thomas
The hope I’ve arrived at
I used to put a positive spin on everything. The effort didn’t serve my children—or my own heart.
Melissa Florer-Bixler
Women posing problems
In the gospels and in the world today, women get in the way and make the world new.
Philip Jenkins
Is religion good for human flourishing?
The Global Flourishing Study is producing a dazzling amount of data to help us answer this sort of question.