Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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47 results found.
June 23, Ordinary 12B (1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4–11, 19–23), 32–49)
When David steps out to challenge Goliath, he shifts from the acted upon to the actor.
June 9, Ordinary 10B (1 Samuel 8:4–20, [11:14–15])
Samuel is a good leader, until he isn’t.
June 2, Ordinary 9B (1 Samuel 3:1–10, 11–20)
Opening up space and time in our lives is one way to invite God to speak.
The iconic divine shepherd
Two new books trace the history of a rich religious image.
It’s hard to see the way God sees.
by Lynn Jost
There’s a lot of a certain sort of pleasure pursued around Christmas.
Not all who struggle with infertility have their prayers answered.
November 14, Ordinary 33B (1 Samuel 1:4–20)
What if we put children at the center of our policies and decisions?
June 20, Ordinary 12B (1 Samuel 17:1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49)
Saul would have provided better odds against Goliath. But God might not have favored him in the matchup.
God is moving on, but Samuel can’t.
God is moving on, but Samuel can’t.
God is moving on, but Samuel can’t.
What happens when Samuel reads his people the fine print?
Walking a labyrinth as I prepared for more chemo
I held ten stones. My friend held two more.
How Katherine Sonderegger finds delight in a humble God
Theology as a love letter to God
How Katherine Sonderegger finds delight in a humble God
Theology as a love letter to God
When hope gives up on magical results
Since my son’s accident, everything I understand about hope has changed.
by Debie Thomas
When hope gives up on magical results
Since my son’s accident, everything I understand about hope has changed.
by Debie Thomas