Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Atonement without participation?
In the substitution theory, God simply does stuff for us. What about the relational God of the Bible?
Restorative justice with Anselm
The satisfaction theory of atonement offers my incarcerated students something the substitution theory does not: a way to make amends and be restored.
by Annelisa Burns
Why I’ve come back around to substitutionary atonement
Sometimes sacrifice is an act of love.
by Martha Tatarnic
Some questions won't go away. The creed says Jesus was crucified "for us," but what do those two little words mean?
by Charles Hefling
Looking back to history to find yet another approach to atonement will not solve the problem, but a reconsideration of the physical or mystical theory of how Christ saves us might contribute to more fruitful and civil conversation.