Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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When rituals leave us full—and then empty
Leaving the jailhouse graduation, I wondered, Where have I felt like this before?
Emptying the tombs of the city jail
“There’s a group of people outside,” I said through the intercom, “and they’ve raised money for your bail.”
by Isaac S. Villegas
A jail visit and a promise to a mother
This was Deputy Kiosha’s house, and I was in it.
by E. Carson Brisson
Fiction that makes prisons visible
How three novelists depict the reality of incarceration
by Philip Christman
"Why you even invite us to any of this," asked Richard, "if you’re just gonna humiliate us and throw us out?"
by Chris Hoke
When I met Jonah I noticed two things: he was wracked with overwhelming guilt and very much wanted to die, and he knew the Bible.
by Frank G. Honeycutt
Americans seem to relish putting their fellow citizens behind bars. Lately, some conservatives have begun to see this as a problem.