Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Catholic nonprofit trains youth to end religious conflict in Nigeria
by Patrick Egwu and Ekpali Saint
On historic Iraqi trip, Pope Francis courts criticism, inspires hope
by Claire Giangravé
Albania’s Bektashi are Muslim, but some of their practices resemble Christian ones
The sect, which was founded in the 13th century, confounds the idea of irreconcilable differences between the two faiths.
by Philip Jenkins
When Islam and Christianity clash, and when they don't
Muslims and Christians can live peacefully together. I've seen it.
by Patrick J. Ryan
How do you commemorate Christian suffering without reawakening ancient hatred?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are connected as older and younger siblings. It's an asymmetrical relationship.
by Pim Valkenberg
Can the word God be separated from the particular tradition by which God is known? Christians have long answered this question both ways.
Europe and the Islamic World is a grandly ambitious attempt to sketch the interaction of faiths and regions from the seventh century to the present.
reviewed by Philip Jenkins
Historically, the region from the Danube to the Euphrates and from Belgrade to Baghdad is religiously complex. Our modern map is a product of decades of violence and ethnic cleansing.
Engagement in serious, respectful conversation with other religious traditions is important and urgent. Leo Lefebure details why it’s also difficult.
reviewed by Walter Brueggemann
Kenyan Muslims are a marginalized minority. Many are concentrated in Coast Province, where unfair land distribution is a festering wound.
by Mwangi