Thema Bryant-Davis elected president of the American Psychological Association

Thema Bryant-Davis, an ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, has been elected as the 2023 president of the American Psychological Association. Bryant-Davis currently directs the Culture and Trauma Research Lab at Pepperdine University, along with the mental health ministry at First AME Church in South Los Angeles.
Additionally, Bryant-Davis provides training on trauma recovery for marginalized communities around the world, and she has edited two books: Multicultural Feminist Therapy: Helping Adolescent Girls of Color to Thrive and Womanist and Mujerista Psychologies: Voices of Fire, Acts of Courage. Her podcast, Homecoming, helps listeners improve their mental health in order to become their authentic selves.
Previously, Bryant-Davis served as president of the Society for the Psychology of Women, and from 2000 to 2004 she was the APA’s representative to the United Nations.