Pastor and psychology professor to lead Reformed Church in America seminary

Micah McCreary, who is a pastor, professor, and psychologist, will be president of New Brunswick Theological Seminary, beginning in the role on July 15.
The seminary’s board appointed him unanimously. He follows Gregg Mast, who served as president of the seminary for 11 years before retiring. The school, located in New Jersey, is one of two seminaries affiliated with the Reformed Church in America.
“McCreary has a vibrant faith, demonstrated leadership in education, and has led a growing congregation,” said Michael Bos, cochair of the search committee and moderator of the NBTS board.
McCreary and his wife, Jacqueline E. Madison-McCreary, have pastored the Spring Creek Baptist Church in Moseley, Virginia, for 16 years.
McCreary is also president and CEO of McCreary and Madison Associates, a psychological and human resources consulting firm. He has worked as a professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University for 21 years. During his career at VCU, McCreary was also assistant vice provost for diversity, among other positions.
McCreary holds a master of divinity degree from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University and master of science and doctoral degrees in counseling psychology from VCU.
New Brunswick Theological Seminary was founded in 1784 and is the oldest independent Protestant seminary in the United States. —New Brunswick Theological Seminary