In the Lectionary

November 5, Ordinary 31A (Joshua 3:7–17)

Such an unbelievable and far-fetched plan. And yet the people believe Joshua.

Joshua, an Israelite, living in a time of struggle, conflict, and violence, attunes his ear to God. God calls Joshua to mobilize a full community to get to safer ground and perhaps to a place where living in peace is possible. The promised land is waiting, but there is one catch: Joshua and his people will need to go through a swollen river to get there.

It is difficult to appreciate the enormity of this task, but God tells Joshua that he will not be alone in this great mobilizing effort. God is with him, and the people will see this to be true.

Therefore, with full trust in the voice he hears, Joshua sets out to tell the people that the living God is with them as a community. He continues by giving the complete, unbelievable, awesome description of how God is going to help them cross the Jordan River.