Queering Contemplation

Episode 4: Queer God de Amor with Dr. Miguel H. Díaz


Dr. Miguel H. Díaz is the John Courtney Murray University Chair in Public Service and was selected by President Barack Obama as the 9th U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See. Prof. Díaz obtained his doctorate in Systematic Theology from the University of Notre Dame. Among his scholarly interests include trinitarian theology, theological anthropology, queer theologies, liberation theologies, and Latin@ theologies. He is a prolific writer and public speaker. His most recent publications include Queer God de Amor and The Word Became Culture. He is co-editor of the groundbreaking series Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente.
The Rev. Cassidy Hall (she/her/hers), MA, MDiv, MTS, is an author, award-winning filmmaker, podcaster, ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, and leading voice in contemplative spirituality. She is the cohost of the Encountering Silence podcast, and the creator of the Contemplating Now and Queering Contemplation podcasts. Her films include In Pursuit of Silence and Day of a Stranger. Her forthcoming book, Queering Contemplation: Finding Queerness in the Roots and Future of Contemplative Spirituality is available for pre-order (May 2024). Cassidy is widely published and currently resides in Indianapolis where she is studying for her doctorate degree. You can learn more about her at cassidyhall.com and support her work here.