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Shawnthea Monroe
Shawnthea Monroe is senior minister of Plymouth Church of Shaker Heights, Ohio. She is coauthor (with Shannon Craigo-Snell) of Living Christianity: A Pastoral Theology for Today.
To know him is to see him
There is a richness and depth to this week's text from John's Gospel, fertile ground for reflection. Below are some assorted thoughts the story of Thomas inspires in me.
Get Jesus out of the tomb
Each year when I sit down to write my Easter sermon, I remember Doris Olson. Doris was a pillar of the church, and when I arrived as the new pastor, she came to my office and told me a story.
April 3, Second Sunday of Easter: John 20:19-31
To ask a question is to risk an answer. Sometimes we don’t like the answer we receive. In Thomas’s case, though, the real risk is in success.
March 27, Easter Sunday: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26; Luke 24:1-12
Luke grounds the resurrection narrative in tangible details: the rock-hewn tomb, the linen cloth, the heavy stone, the fragrant spices. The reader can imagine the place and time. Then things fall off the map.
Standing Naked Before God, by Molly Phinney Baskette
Molly Phinney Baskette's book is not a robust example of the Christian practice of confession. But she does offer a glimpse into the life of a church that is thriving against the odds.
Secretly orthodox
I kept quiet about my faith for fear of embarrassment. Then I read Anne Lamott, and suddenly I wasn't so alone.
Embracing the collar
"What's with the collar?” asked a UCC colleague. “Did you lose a bet?” I smiled and explained that this was my Lenten discipline: wearing a collar for 40 days.
The receding sea where Jesus walked
The lectionary reading from Matthew's Gospel is the story of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee in the midst of a storm. In a couple of decades, anyone will be able to cross the Sea of Galilee on foot because of climate change.
Sunday, August 7, 2011: Romans 10:5-15
The worst haircut I ever received was a $7 special at a local salon....
Struggle and blessing
Recently, I learned that a young couple I know had filed for divorce after 18 months of marriage. By my calculations, they spent more time planning the wedding than being married.
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