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Amy Plantinga Pauw
Amy Plantinga Pauw teaches theology at Louisville Seminary in Kentucky, is general editor for the Belief theological commentary series (Westminster John Knox Press), and is the author of Church in Ordinary Time: A Wisdom Ecclesiology (Eerdmans).
Marilynne Robinson's beautiful, cranky nonfiction
Robinson's essays are sometimes tedious. Yet they provide glimpses of the capacious faith undergirding her novels.
Ecclesiastes for the ecclesia
A wisdom ecclesiology embraces the church’s earthly context—but without romanticizing it.
How Kathryn Tanner’s theology bridges doctrine and social action
Lots of theologians want to challenge economic injustice. Not many draw their arguments from Anselm and Aquinas.
Drawn to Freedom, by Eberhard Busch
In this long, freewheeling conversation with the Heidelberg Catechism, Eberhard Busch sometimes uses the document for leverage against distortions in the contemporary church, and sometimes challenges its assumptions.
Catholic crackdown: Elizabeth Johnson and the bishops
Perhaps the bishops view Elizabeth Johnson's work as dangerous precisely because she does not ridicule or reject tradition--she embraces it. She is loyal and critical at the same time.
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The 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth last year prompted the publication of a spate of works celebrating his life and theology....

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Reynolds combines a profound and wide-ranging rethinking of Christian theology from the perspective of disability w...

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Begbie’s overall project is exploring the place of music in God’s ecology of creation....

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Cunningham invites readers to take their own Holy Week pilgrimage through suffering and death to ...