Walter Brueggemann
N. T. Wright and Walter Brueggemann look to the Bible for wisdom during the pandemic
They both resist easy answers to the problem of suffering.
Chosen? by Walter Brueggemann
Are the people of 21st-century Israel the chosen ones of Genesis to whom Yahweh promised the land in eternal covenant? Walter Brueggemann gives a nuanced answer.
reviewed by J. Nelson Kraybill
A living question mark: Protestants and Jews after Nostra Aetate
It was the shortest Vatican II document but among the most influential. Whatever its limits, it was a watershed in Christian-Jewish relations.
by Clare Amos
Writers write
About three times a week, pastors ask me 1) how to get on the speaking circuit or 2) how to get published. The questions go together, because the answer to how to get on the speaking circuit is usually to get published. Sometimes they are just starting out in the ministry, and other times they are retired. Either way, my answer is the same, no matter what stage of life you’re in: Writers write.
Subversion and hope
In two pages, you go from a simple devotional habit to being sucked into the vortex of global power plays. You must be reading Brueggemann.