Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Reconciliation or supersessionism?
Karma Ben-Johanan traces the troubled history of Jewish-Christian relations after Vatican II.
by Jon Sweeney
The historical roots of interfaith dialogue
Tal Howard offers a carefully researched history, from the Mughal Empire to Nostra aetate and beyond.
by Emily Soloff
Crisis and opportunity in the American Catholic Church
Massimo Faggioli is the most articulate interpreter of U.S. Catholicism today.
Is there a future for religious women in North America and Western Europe? Even heavily Catholic regions like Ireland and Quebec have populations of Catholic sisters who are overwhelmingly elderly.
Engagement in serious, respectful conversation with other religious traditions is important and urgent. Leo Lefebure details why it’s also difficult.
reviewed by Walter Brueggemann
"Parish priests had a lot of control over the speed at which things changed. Interestingly enough, the parishioners had no say over it."
by Amy Frykholm