Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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A novel driven by kindness
There are many reasons to adore James McBride’s latest book.
The Night Pastor
I recently came across a record by 1960s Episcopal priest and jazz musician Robert Owen.
by Alejandra Oliva
A meditation on Jazz during Lent
We are flakes of snow; we are notes vanishing in the air.
by L. Roger Owens
Take & Read: American religious history
Four new books that explore Black Americans’ religious witness
by Douglas H. Brown Clark
On Saturdays at First Presbyterian, the congregants know good jazz when they hear it. But the event is first of all a church service.
by Dean Nelson
In the digital age, music albums are often seen as quaint, obsolete. Yet a well-crafted collection of songs often carries with it a narrative arc, even when the compositions lack words.
reviewed by Louis R. Carlozo
Like millions of others, I was a devoted Dave Brubeck fan—ever since I first heard his music in the 1950s.
by John Buchanan