Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Robert Alter’s Hebrew Bible translation is at once accurate and eloquent
Precision and beauty have kissed.
by Judy Klitsner
Loving and protecting immigrants is a biblical command
The Hebrew Bible's instruction to love the neighbor appears only once. “Love the stranger” appears more than 35 times.
by Peter W. Marty
Did the exodus really happen?
A new book challenges the scholarly consensus about one of the Hebrew Bible's central stories.
by Philip Jenkins
200 years that shaped Judaism, Jesus, and all that followed
The religious world we know was formed between 250 and 50 B.C.E.
A feast of scriptural language
Sarah Ruden writes some of the most sumptuous words about Bible words I’ve ever read.
by James C. Howell
Robert Gregg traces five scriptural stories as they were later understood by commentators—Jewish, Christian, and Muslim.
Anton Wessels emphasizes points of convergence among the Abrahamic religions, even assimilating their scriptural perspectives into a single story. It's an audacious wager, and not without dangers.
reviewed by Leo D. Lefebure
In two pages, you go from a simple devotional habit to being sucked into the vortex of global power plays. You must be reading Brueggemann.
selected by Kathleen M. O'Connor