Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Reclaiming the E word
Evangelism has become a dirty word among progressive Christians. But don’t we have good news to share?
by Debie Thomas
The old “distraction” slur against advocates for justice
This line of attack goes back to the White Christian opponents of the 19th-century abolition movement.
by Mark Glanville
The audacity to preach the gospel
Will Willimon tells preachers to put aside sentimentality.
by E. Johanna Hartelius
Why be Protestant?
Phillip Cary locates the heart of Protestantism in the gospel promise it reveals.
by Jason Micheli
Walter Rauschenbusch then and now
William Pitts examines the era when the Social Gospel was new—and controversial.
by Walter Brueggemann
11 adverbs for good preaching
The best preachers, says Russell Mitman, preach liturgically, eschatologically, multi-sensorily, and eight more ways that end in -ly.
by Erin Jean Warde
Whenever I preached a dense sermon or used too many references, a missionary friend would gently remind me to proclaim the gospel simply.
by John Buchanan
The Century asked 23 authors to boil Christian proclamation down to just a few words. What is the essence of the essence of Christianity?
by David Heim
In the summer of 1963 I was hanging around Harvard’s libraries, worrying about hermeneutics.