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Incident at 18th and Michigan
This was the appropriate way to end that tortured week. It was one of those times when jail is a place of honor. We did not come to that decision hastily....
Why this non-God talk?
What had long been contended in secret is now shouted from housetops....
Selma: Sustaining the momentum
Two Century editors report from the second march in Selma, Alabama, on March 9, 1965
Crucial questions for November 4: Presidential pick, California's Proposition 14
When "the tumult and the shouting dies" and the votes are counted on November 4, we shall first want to know who won the presidential election....
A straw in the racial wind
The Washington, D.C., correspondent for the Economist, writing several days in advance of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, predicted that however successful the marc...
Equality is not negotiable
Few American leaders could have made a better impression than did Roy Wilkins, executive director of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, and Martin Luther K...
Big Labor turns down Washington march
Against the urgently expressed desires of Walter Reuther of the Automobile Workers and Philip Randolph of the Sleeping Car Porters, the central board of the A.F.L.—C.I.O....
The meaning of the march
Directions for participants in the August 28 "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" and for the concurrent church assembly read like snatches from a John Bunyan allegory: "March from...
Marching orders
More than 100,000 people are expected to converge on Washington, D.C., August 28 in a "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom." It is estimated that three-fifths of the assembly will be Negroes a...
Integrate the integration march!
All major Negro organizations have joined in promoting an entirely legal and orderly freedom march in Washington on August 28....
Letter from Birmingham Jail
A vigorous, eloquent reply to criticism expressed by a group of eight clergymen.
Suffering and faith
Additional comments from Martin Luther King Jr. following his article for the "How My Mind Has Changed" series
Pilgrimage to nonviolence
A courageous leader looks back on his own theological development and reflects on factors leading to his commitment to nonviolence both as a method and as a philosophy of life.
What ten years have taught me
A world-famous evangelist offers a personal account of the failures, triumphs and developments of mind and faith marking his career during the past decade.
A book that changed my life: Reading Tolstoy
I have written out a short account of a vivid religious reaction to a book of Tolstoy’s, What to Do Then, which appeared 40 years ago in the late ‘80s....
To whom shall we go?
You have helped us to look profoundly into the meaning of life, Peter is saying, and we are not able to find a decent alternative to your way and to your truth.