Philip Wingeier-Rayo will be academic dean of Wesley Theological Seminary
Wingeier-Rayo is a fourth-generation missionary, having spent 15 years in Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Rio Grande Valley.

Philip Wingeier-Rayo will begin serving July 1 as academic dean of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.
“Wesley is a wonderfully diverse learning community of many gifts that is well situated to witness to the love of God at the intersection of the powerful and the powerless, the center and the margins, and the church and society,” Wingeier-Rayo said in a statement.
Wingeier-Rayo was most recently associate professor of evangelism, mission, and Methodist studies at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is a fourth-generation missionary, having spent 15 years in Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Rio Grande Valley.
Wingeier-Rayo holds degrees from Chicago Theological Seminary and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Illinois, and Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas, in Cuba.
His books include Cuban Methodism: The Untold Story of Survival and Revival and Where Are the Poor?, comparing Christian ecclesial base communities connected to the liberation theology movement with Pentecostal churches in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
A version of this article appears in the print edition under the title “People: Philip Wingeier-Rayo.”