In the Lectionary

January 31, Epiphany 4B (Mark 1:21-28)

What does it mean to teach “with authority”?

In last week’s text, Jesus made his initial impression by preaching. In this week’s, he drives that impression home by teaching. As preaching was Jesus’ first action on reaching Galilee, so teaching is his first action now that he’s arrived in Capernaum. Mark’s emphasis on Jesus’ teaching overwhelms even his emphasis on Jesus’ preaching. Mark mentions Jesus’ teaching, or records him being referred to as teacher, more than 30 times in his short Gospel.

Having preached his way into the call of his first disciples, Jesus now teaches his way into the impressions of the populace—and into reaction from the realm of unclean spirits. Jesus calls attention not only to the content of his teaching but to himself and his identity. The crowds recognize that he teaches with authority, an authority the unclean spirits recognize is of the very Holy One of God.

What’s so distinctive about Jesus’ teaching that not only humans but spirits respond with awe and amazement? What does it mean to teach “with authority”? And how do we, who live in a culture so suspicious of authority, teach in the way of Jesus?