Centering the sacred work of spiritual direction for people of color
“Breath is how I bring myself back to God. My breath is my sacred word.”

Therese Taylor-Stinson is the managing member of the Spiritual Directors of Color Network, Ltd., which she founded in 2008. The group has produced three books: Embodied Spirits, Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around, and most recently, Kaleidoscope: Broadening the Palette in the Art of Spiritual Direction, a curriculum that centers the experiences of spiritual directors of color. Taylor-Stinson has been involved in spiritual guidance for more than 15 years and is a graduate of the Shalem Institute in Washington, DC.
How did you turn to spiritual direction?
When I first entered the Presbyterian Church (USA), I was trying to find a way to connect to the community. I saw a flyer about a prayer group that was starting. When I was little I sat with my grandmother praying, so this seemed like something I could get into. I didn’t realize that the couple leading the group had started it because the husband had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He seemed very vital to me, and we became friends.