Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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I hear no voice
Prayers for Children and the apophatic tradition
by Timothy Jones
Journeying with Father Dan and a coyote along the via negativa
Daniel Hornsby’s debut novel has a wonderful road-trippy feeling.
by Amy Frykholm
Kierkegaard in translation
The Danish philosopher thought faith had become too easy. This book doesn’t have that problem.
by Elizabeth Palmer
Catherine Keller's latest book presents process theology as a maker of worlds. It's heady stuff—and very exciting.
reviewed by Alan Van Wyk
I was the only woman in a seminary course on negative theology. One day, a young man raised his hand and asked, “What about an ordinary housewife? How could a person like that live this life of prayer?”