Trending topics: Israel and Jewish identity
Five new books exploring the identity of Israel and what it means to be Jewish
When Judaism became Judaism
Archaeologist Yonatan Adler argues that widespread, ordinary observance of the Torah did not take place until the Hellenistic period.
Two glimpses into Judaism in America
Steven Weisman looks at the development of the Reform movement. Jack Wertheimer focuses on the present and future.
by Emily Soloff
The many varieties of anti-Semitism
Deborah Lipstadt shows how anti-Semitic sentiment can spring up where we least expect it.
by David Heim
Why I'm reading Deborah Lipstadt
I never thought that in 2019 a book on antisemitism in America would be vital reading.
To name or not to name
The Holocaust was perpetrated against specific groups of people. Is this fact a crucial part of every retelling?
Never again?
In 1920, not long after the Great War, a little-known agitator gave a speech in Munich on the topic, "Why Are We Anti-Semites?" The speaker concluded that it was important to prevent Germany “from suffering a death by crucifixion."
Of course this agitator became quite well known—it was Adolf Hitler—and we know what his antisemitism led to.
Tough conversations
It is difficult for Jews to talk about the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. It's also difficult for Christians to talk about it with Jews.
Set apart: The Haredim in Israel
No week passes in Israel without an article being published—usually negative in tone—about the Haredi community.