
Stuff: The insatiable desire for more

It is conventional wisdom that ministers hate stewardship season and dislike talking about money. A feature article in Time, “Does God Want You to Be Rich?” (September 18), observed that the “relative absence of sermons about money—which the Bible mentions several thousand times—is one of the more stunning omissions in American religion, especially among its white, middle class precincts.”

Briefly noted

Progressive Christian activists finished their four-and-a-half-month trek across the country September 3 at a church in Washington, D.C. Organized by CrossWalk America, the march started in Phoenix on Easter and covered 2,500 miles, ending with a rally at Foundry United Methodist Church. Ten people walked the whole way and more than 11,000 participated in some way, most helping with lodging and food, said Rebecca Glenn, CrossWalk’s cofounder and copresident. Participants carried a copy of the Phoenix Affirmations, 12 progressive Christian principles.

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