
Take and read

The 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth last year prompted the publication of a spate of works celebrating his life and theology. Gordon’s vibrant new biography invites readers to see Calvin’s theological commitments in historical context. Highlighting Calvin’s view of himself as prophet and apostle to his contemporaries, Gordon shows us the complexities of the Reformer’s political theology as he communicated it to a variety of hearers, ranging from exiled and persecuted Christians to French nobles.

5 books for ministry

Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior, by Judith Martin (Norton). Part etiquette manual, part psychology text, Miss Manners’ Guide has been a dependable source of insight and information over the years. Martin addresses everything from writing condolence letters to the order of a traditional wedding procession to how to handle sexist remarks with grace. Even in ministry, good manners never go out of style.