
Back Window and Welcome Home, by Leslie Williams

Artist and color theorist Josef Albers influenced generations of artists. Among them is Leslie Williams. She describes the impact of his thought as the beginning of “a love affair with color . . . the purity of color as expression.” Something as basic as an exploration of color introduces new layers, new contrasts, a new language for art built from hue, density, pigment, and light. Sometimes moments of change, tragedy, or devastation open a different way of noticing brightness and color.

Treasure (A View of My House from Above), by Matthew Whitney

Matthew Whitney recounts four brief, daily practices from a spiritual teacher of his: chant, meditation, simple work, and simple activities. One simple activity the multidisciplinary artist practices—and practices and practices—is walking. His walks in and around Seattle show up in his writing, in the spiritual direction podcast he hosts, and in his art. His recent series Writing in the Urban Grid explores visually the practice of walking.