
Baptism of Christ, by Andrea del Verrocchio

Andrea del Verrocchio (1435–1488), created Baptism of Christ in Florence between 1470 and 1475, on the cusp of the High Renaissance. Verrocchio, whose name means “true eye,” was known for his ability to observe nature and render lifelike figures. One of his students was Leonardo da Vinci, who was asked to do a portion of this painting. The leftmost angel, holding Christ’s drapery, is attributed to Leonardo. By comparing that angel to Verrocchio’s next to it, one sees Leonardo’s ability to convey transcendence and softness.

The Anastylosis Project, by Mary Griep

Mary Griep’s The Anastylosis Project presents detailed small-scale drawings of great buildings which somehow convey the wonder and significance of the buildings themselves. Anastylosi is a Greek term meaning “the restoration of a ruined building by reassembling the constituent parts.” It’s a word that might have been created just for this project, in which the exterior of Chartres Cathedral was studied, photographed, and painstakingly drawn to create a 10-foot-by-14-foot wall display.