"For them, Heather Cook’s crime spree began with her ordination, and continued because the church that consecrated her was terminally ill."

"One of the members who had been my biggest supporter called me a rat jumping off the boat."

"A push for sales can obscure the truth when it’s easier not to listen."

“It was the highlight of my time at Duke as a Muslim.”

"Nobody, including Twain himself, considered race to be the primary theme of 'Huckleberry Finn.'

"Hitchcock, Hughes—what’s the difference?"

"You’d rarely find them agreeing about public policy, but they’re certain it’s all been downhill since Flannery O’Connor."

"it is a testimony to the influence of Wright's towering, brilliant, and prolific scholarship that this particular dead horse no longer needs flogging."

"If you’re not actively trying to respect transgender subjects in your work, you’re probably doing more harm than good."

"However boldly Ghomeshi might otherwise claim, sex is not a right. He was never entitled to sex, and neither am I and neither are you."

"The message is the NFL logo, bringing us all together. Together we are making the football."

"Stories of plumbers. We hear from a plumber, a different plumber, and then the first plumber again."

"Yeah, good luck preaching the Word when she makes toads fall out of your mouth every time you open it."

Steve Thorngate

The Century managing editor is also a church musician and songwriter.

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