Guest Post

The most-read Century book reviews

Here are the Century book reviews that got read the most online this year.

1) Larry Hurtado reviews Bart EhrmanEhrman's conclusions aren't novel to anyone familiar with historical scholarship on Christology. But those aren't the readers he has in mind.

2) Tony Jones reviews Matthew Vines and Ken Wilson: Can one be both an evangelical and affirming of same-sex relationships? Into this minefield have stepped two new voices, one younger and one older.

3) James Bratt reviews D. G. Hart: Some classic works on the origins of modernity give pride of place to Calvinism. Hart will have none of it.

4) Heidi Haverkamp reviews Verlee Copeland and Dale Rosenberger: The mainline has struggled to express an ethics or spirituality of sexuality. Copeland and Rosenberger seek to fill that gap.

5) Charles Scriven reviews Brian McLaren: Academics may find no theological breakthrough in McLaren's latest book, but the ones who care about church life may still do a double take.

6) Amy Frykholm reviews Amy DeRogatis: The old stereotype is that evangelicals are unable or unwilling to talk about sex. Lately, the reality is the opposite.

7) John Turner reviews Charles Marsh: Marsh brings readers closer to Dietrich Bonhoeffer than, at the very least, any prior biographer writing in English.

8) David Wood reviews Jason Byassee and Roger Owens's edited volume on Eugene Peterson: To Peterson, a church is not a demarcated zone of idealized community. The potential for misdirection and distraction abounds.

9) Alexandra Brown reviews N. T. Wright: Wright aims to show how Paul's story of the crucified and risen Messiah is at the same time the story of Israel rescued from extended exile.

10) John Haught reviews Elizabeth Johnson: Johnson shows how biblically informed faith comes alive when we look at the world through the lens of Darwin’s Origin of Species.

11) Katherine Willis Pershey reviews Micha Boyett: Boyett writes tenderly about her Southern Baptist background, even as she grafts herself into a more liturgical expression of the faith.

12) Richard Lischer reviews Julian Barnes: Barnes’s attempt to console himself with “It’s just the universe doing its stuff” recalls C.S. Lewis’s recoil from the “goodness” of God.

13) Stanley Hauerwas reviews Gerhard Lohfink: In these short talks, Lohfink revisits themes from Jesus and Community. His account of Jesus is determinatively eschatological.

14) Ted Peters reviews Ian McFarland: McFarland's book on the doctrine of creation is a book about nothing. It has a lot to say about it.