In the World

Other people saying things

"For nearly 100 years, Mississippi was a white supremacist police state. Of course this made a mark on its culture."

"When the segment ended and Tom Brokaw looked up from his desk monitor and into the camera, he shook his head with an air of such profound, almost avuncular concern that I felt like I had been sent to my room."

"We're only a few years away from the point where, in most of the United States, there will be no economic reason not to go solar."

"I look to my right and I see two mothers and a father. I look to my left and see a grandmother, another father and an older sister."

"The idea that 'The Invisible Hand' is a truly stupid way to find moral virtue in our excess consumption of plastic beads is pure Marxism. We're just not allowed to call it that."

"In deference to the cook, turn off and put away all devices while there is food on the table."

"We know you're trying to appeal to people us and get us jazzed up about the threat to Christianity. But, no, this is a stupid idea and we'd like you to please go home."

"This is a punch list for what we’re achieving for Q4. Jerky, jerky, jerky, jerky.”

"The main problem for conservative urbanists isn’t the quality of their arguments, but rather that they fall on deaf ears within their own movement."

Steve Thorngate

The Century managing editor is also a church musician and songwriter.

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