Sandra Bowden's art is a meditation on time and eternity based on biblical and archaeological sources. Megiddo (left) and Hazor (right) are two of four images from Bowden's series of intaglio collagraphs titled Israelite Tel Suite. The artist explains, "A tel is a mound covering the site of some ancient settlement, generally consisting of many layers of rubble and artifacts left by succeeding civilizations. Strata accentuated by horizontal lines divide the picture into three levels, forming a cross section of archaeological time. . . . centered in each piece [is] a significant specific object relating to the tel's history." From the creation of the plate through the one-by-one "pulling" of each print, the artist is engaged in an intensive process that exemplifies Marshall McLuhan's adage, "The medium is the message."

—Lois Huey-Heck