A failure of compassion

Outdoor workers need a little water and shade every four hours. Is that too much to ask?

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A failure of compassion

Outdoor workers need a little water and shade every four hours. Is that too much to ask?

May 19, Pentecost (Acts 2:1–21)

Acts points us to a better communion, one that preserves and celebrates diversity.

Divine testimony in our hearts (1 John 5:9-13)

According to 1 John, we have received more than mere mortal attestation.

Reflecting on our reflection

Many of us are unimpressed when we look in the mirror. But we bear a more important image.


A failure of compassion

Outdoor workers need a little water and shade every four hours. Is that too much to ask?

Trending topics: Ecology without colonialism

Five new postcolonial perspectives on living faithfully through climate change

Fargo and Wicked Little Letters take on the patriarchy

It’s hard to dramatize the evils of patriarchy without falling into melodrama or historical difference.

The Court’s embrace of the divine right of presidents

In the Trump v. United States oral arguments, the conservative justices sought what Justice Gorsuch called “a rule for the ages”—one that doesn’t impair the sovereign grandeur of presidential power.