The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God.
By Dallas Willard, HaperSanFrancisco, 428 pp. 

The most telling thing about the contemporary Christian is that he or she has no compelling sense that understanding of and conformity with the clear teaching of Christ is of any vital importance to his or her life," Dallas Willard states, summing up the concerns that have prompted his book. He sets forth a comprehensive account of how Christians must and can make biblical wisdom operative.

Many of those who read Willard's book will affirm his admonition that "we must develop a straightforward presentation, in word and life, of the reality of life now under God's rule, through reliance upon the word and person of Jesus." They are aware of the kingdoms and powers that compete for our loyalty, they try to resist idolizing the temporal, they know that following the gospel involves more than the removal of guilt and a guarantee of life hereafter. And they agree that we must build our houses upon a rock—the rock of hearing and doing (a prominent reference in the book).