Guest Post

Hunches about

On my neglected Facebook page sits an even more neglected
"Like" button. Although I read what others post and occasionally add a comment,
I grumpily avoid this particular feature. Technology based on personal
preferences-a rapidly expanding group that includes Hunch, Pandora, various
Google products and others-is a source of anxiety for me. I am ambivalent about
the purpose and meaning of "liking" something.

My first problem is a moral one. Even if Hunch can sift
through a world of choices and direct me toward things I like, do I want it to?
Perhaps I would be better off directed toward things I don't like-perhaps my "taste profile" needs transformation, not
confirmation. Don't our desires sometimes need to be corrected by standards
that stand outside of us? As Kant wrote, "Morality is not the doctrine of how
we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of
happiness." Hunch is clearly not built on this model and may even stand against

Secondly, I am not sure it is to my benefit or the benefit
of others to make it easier for advertisers to reach me. Even if this
technology can properly identify my likes, what good is that if it just leads
to more consumption on my part? Consumerism for consumerism's sake is something
I decidedly don't like.

But underlying these moral considerations is an anxiety
about the kind of self that is addressed by this technology. This
post-postmodern self is made coherent by what it likes, and what thus can be
marketed to it. Hunch collects a great deal of information about a person and
then directs that information toward a coherent theory of the self. If I like
this, I will like something like it still more. People become types, however

But isn't what I like under constant revision? Just how
consistent a self do I have? And should a website be creating coherence for me
when I don't have it for myself?

All this inner wrangling didn't stop me, after hearing an interview
with Hunch's founder, from thinking about joining up. I was
curious how accurate Hunch's hunches would be.

But at the site, I encountered more difficulties. The first
thing Hunch asked me to do was to log in via Facebook Connect-and then allow my
personal information to be transferred over from Facebook. This would include-and
thankfully it was clear about this-my friends' information. Should I give Hunch
permission to do this? Maybe it is harmless; it's just a database. Maybe my
hesitation is quaint-Facebook has had privacy
of its own. "You are paranoid, a Luddite," an inner voice chided.
But I did not press "allow."

I worry that if Hunch has all of this information about my
friends, it will think that I am like them. I have a Facebook friend who
recently asked me to join "I Love America and You Should Too." Others post the
latest prophecy reports. One recently asked, "Which porn star is Amy Frykholm
most like?" and for a terrifying few hours before I saw it, that question
remained on my wall.

The thought that I am like my Facebook friends frightens me.
What would Hunch make of it? Would it conclude that I like porn videos or
anti-immigration legislation? Would it recommend that I watch Jack van Impe?

What if I hate the self that appears once I have answered Hunch's
questions and given it access to everything anyone ever said to me on
Facebook? Will I be tempted to add more information until my Hunch profile
reflects the person I think I am?

The only way to find out is to allow Hunch to do its work.
But for now, I won't.

Amy Frykholm

The Century contributing editor is the author of five books, including Wild Woman: A Footnote, the Desert, and my Quest for an Elusive Saint.

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