My son the PK said no to baptism

For now, anyway. After our discernment together, I consider this a success.

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My son the PK said no to baptism

For now, anyway. After our discernment together, I consider this a success.

A boldly nonpropositional systematic theology

Kevin Hector presents theology as itself a practice of faith.

One person’s self-made hell

Recently I attended the trial of a woman accused of killing a college student in a hit and run.


The Court’s embrace of the divine right of presidents

In the Trump v. United States oral arguments, the conservative justices sought what Justice Gorsuch called “a rule for the ages”—one that doesn’t impair the sovereign grandeur of presidential power.

Border encounters

The US-Mexico border is rich with ordinary life—not just the sort of stories amplified by political rhetoric.

Latino churches are social service hubs

Yet their extensive efforts go largely unseen outside their communities.

Connecting the dots

Heather Cox Richardson guides us through serial attempts to overturn the liberal consensus in America.