
Take & Read: New Testament

New books about the New Testament


A Jewish Paul: The Messiah’s Herald to the Gentiles
By Matthew Thiessen  
Baker Academic

Of the many books on Paul published this year, Matthew Thiessen’s stands out. It offers a delightfully clear introduction to a way of reading Paul that is generating lots of discussion among New Testament scholars, though not much among clergy and others. While Thiessen offers his own account, his approach shares much in common with the “Paul within Judaism” or “radical new perspective” reading of Paul. This reading begins with a simple premise: Paul was thoroughly Jewish. As Thiessen says, Paul was “not an anomalous Jew, not a radical Jew, not a marginal Jew. Just one Jew living his life and following his perceived calling amid the diversity and richness of first-century Judaism.” Accordingly, Thiessen places Paul within the “diversity and richness of first-century Judaism” in ways that challenge common ideas about how Paul related to Judaism in his day.